Clayton - Person Sheet
Clayton - Person Sheet
NameGWATHMEY, Catherine Temple , GGGG Grandmother
Birth Date15 Mar 1795
Birth PlaceKing William County, Virginia
Death Date23 Apr 1866 Age: 71
Death PlacePaducah, McCracken County, Kentucky
FatherGWATHMEY, Owen Jr. (1753-1830)
MotherCLARK, Ann (1755-1822)
1WOOLFOLK, George , GGGG Grandfather
Birth Date2 Jul 1793
Birth PlaceCaroline County, Virginia
Death Date7 Nov 1843 Age: 50
Death PlacePaducah, McCracken County, Kentucky
FatherWOOLFOLK, Robert III (1756-1854)
MotherPEAY, Jane (1766-1843)
Misc. Notes
George Woolfolk graduated from Transylvania University in 1811. He represented Shelby County in the Kentucky House of Representatives from 1822 to 1828. George lived in Shelbyville, Kentucky, until 1831 when he moved to Paducah were he laid out the city.

Note: It is through George Woolfolk who as the executor of General George Rogers Clark (the uncle of his wife) that the general’s turkey plater was passed down into the possession of his 3rd great grandson, C. Kirk Avent.
Marr Date25 Nov 1817
Marr PlaceLouisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky
ChildrenRobert Owen (1818-1874)
 Ann C. (~1820-)
 Elizabeth (~1822-)
 George William (1829-1878)
 Frances Jane (1835-1904)
Last Modified 8 Oct 2002Created 22 May 2023 by Robert Avent