NameROBIN, Michele Anne-Marie

Birth Date19 Jul 1942 Age: 80
Birth PlaceParis, Île-de-France
OccupationReal Estate Agent
Misc. Notes
Received honors certificate from the University of Paris in English and American literature. Also studied at Harvard University and for two years taught at the Active Bilingual School in Paris.
Birth Date25 Apr 1942 Age: 81
Birth PlaceMemphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
Misc. Notes
After graduating from “Swanee” with a BA degree with honors in French literature he received a Rotoary Foundation Fellowship to study architecture in France. He completed one year of study at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris.
Marr Date13 Oct 1967
Marr PlaceParis, Île-de-France
Div Date1995