NameBEARD, Eunica
, GG Grandmother
Birth Date8 Aug 1852
Birth PlaceSpencer County, Kentucky
Death Date14 Jan 1910 Age: 57
Death PlaceDanville, Boyle County, Kentucky
Misc. Notes
The marriage records shows Emma’s given name as Eunica.
Birth Date4 May 1841
Birth PlaceFoster, Bracken County, Kentucky
Death Date7 Nov 1920 Age: 79
Death PlaceMemphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
Misc. Notes
Both George T. and Emma Schoolfield were deaf, mutes. George contracted Scarlet Fever while approximately three and one-half years of age while Emma was born deaf as well as her sister.
George was an instructor (began October 2, 1866) at the Kentucky Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Danville where as a student, Emma met George. He entered the school as a student from Bracken County in 1856, having previously attended the Indiana School for the Deaf for three years.
The wedding ceremony was performed in the beautiful and expressive language of signs, by Rev. Thomas McIntire, principal of the Indiana Institution for Deaf Mutes.
Marr Date27 Sep 1871
Marr PlaceWilsonville, Boyle County, Kentucky