, 5G Grandfather
Birth Date1758
Birth PlaceBoulevard d'Alsace Lorraine, Cusset, France
Death DateAug 1830 Age: 72
Death PlaceHopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky
FlagsSlave Owner
Misc. Notes
John Saffarrans first appeared in York, Pennsylvania, in about 1780. His first two children were born in York then the family moved to first Virginia, then Tennessee then finally settled in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
John Saffarrans —Coppersmith
Gen. George C. Saffarrans states on a family tree written by him: "David Saffarrans the original ancestor who came over with Wm. Penn, settled in Philadelphia. There is a break between him and John, the next of whom I have record. John Saffarrans emigrated from West VA. with most of his family about 1815 and settled around Hopkinsville, KY. He had moved from Philadelphia to Little York, PA when Philadelphia was captured by the British. Later moved to VA. ("The Baker Hoax Papers", p.2)
Following written in 1895 by Isaac Saffarrans, son of Daniel Saffarrans. "Gallatin, Tennessee, November 15th 1895
Reminiscences Of The Saffarrans Family Which Have Come Down To Me From My Father:
My grandfather, John Saffarrans, emigrated from Virginia to Hopkinsville, Kentucky, about the year 1815. My father -Daniel Saffarrans- was a soldier in the war of 1812, from the state of Virginia. He (grandfather) had five (5) sons, viz:-George, John, Daniel, Peter and David - and four (4) daughters. One daughter married Bat Woods of Hopkinsville, Ky. - another John Shields of Nashville - another Ben Weller of Nashville - the other some man about Russelville, Ky.
He (Grandfather) was of pure German extraction; a man of considerable property; some of his negroes came to my father; coal black hair, a great smoker, scrupulously exact about his dress; wore a queue which had to be dressed with care every day, satin knee britches, with buckles, brooch, etc, etc, - well informed; had a considerable library of German books bound in wooden backs, some of which may be in the family of Bat Woods, about Hopkinsville. He had a large quantity of land about Hopkinsville. He taught all his boys how to work with copper
and tin.
His children left the family roof as fast as they came of age. George settled on a farm near Gallatin, Tenn. at first, but soon afterwards moved to Missouri - He had sons George, John, Isaac, Rufus, and a daughter, who married a Wisdom of Paducah, Kentucky. Of these
George and John settled in Memphis, Tenn., and had children. Isaac went to Oregon in the earliest migration, and Rufus lived in Missouri. Rufus, has a beautiful and accomplished daughter, educated at Nashville and married to Judge Howel - I saw them in Birmingham, Alabama, five or six years ago. Uncle John lived about Russelville, Kentucky. I know nothing of his family. Daniel was my father - he settled at Gallatin, Tennessee, where my brother John and sister Malvina and myself were born. My brother Daniel was born in Washington City. My brother John had no children. Malvina and her's are dead. I have two, Malvina - married to William J. Gould, a civil engineer, now with the Texas Central Railroad - and my son, Marion, age eleven (11).
Peter settled in Florence, Alabama, had a son who died without issue in California - his daughters were scattered. He was a man of influence and was prospering when he died fifty years ago.
David lived in Nashville and has some children living there about Lexington there now, and I think one named Dan living about Lexington, Kentucky.
My brother Dan married Ada Mead of the Woolfolk family of Kentucky. He died leaving a beautiful wife and two daughters, and an accomplished son named Mead living in Lexington, Kentucky."
The above was written in 1895 by Isaac Saffarrans, son of Daniel Saffarrans. It is one of "The Baker Legacy Hoax Papers" collected by Antoinette C. (Saffarrans) Bourdon, San Antonio, TX, 1888-1956.
Birth Date estimated from spouse age at her death -70 yrs in 1830, she would have been born in 1760. Estimated he was two years older therefore he would have been born in 1758.
CENSUS:1820, 6th Ward, Christian Co., Ky - lists John Saffran, 2 m 0-10, 9 m 15-20, 1 m 26-45, 2 f 0-10, 1 f 18-282 F 18-26, 1 f 28 & up, plus 8 slaves. This is assumed to be John RIN 1 husband of Catharine not John Husband of Elizabeth.
CENSUS:1830,Hopkinsville, Christian Co. KY- Lists Catharine Saffarrans (correct spelling)1 m 0-5, 1 m 5-10, 1 f 30-40, 1 f 40-50,1 f 60-70. RESI: First lived in York, Pa where Son George and Daughter Catharine were christened
Before 1783, Philidelphi
1783, York Co., PN - Birth of son
Estimated 1790, moved to Rockingham Co. VA
Estimated 1815, moved to Hopkinsville Ky where he and his wife Catherine
Birth Date1760
Birth PlaceBoulevard d'Alsace Lorraine, Cusset, France
Death Date1830 Age: 70
Death PlaceHopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky