NameBLACK, William
, 6G Grandfather
Misc. Notes
I William Black being sike and in a low condition but in perfitt mind and memery first Committ my soul two God that gave it, and my Bodey to the grave to be buried in a Dasenett form and maner untwo the decression of my Executors...
I do will untwo MY SUN WILLIAM BLACK my rite and property of the Grist Mill and all the properties that belongs two him, that is now in partnership betwixt him and me with all I have against him of Booke Detts and my grate Coute licke wise...
I do will untwo MY SUN JOHN BLACK a full suit of close which I formerly have wore, one horse colered bay of three yeares old and two of my wareing shirts, and two pounds eight shillings to be paide on demand...
To MY SUN-IN-LAW ALEXANDER OSBORN I give one red cow three years old and one mare of years old Black... unto Thomas Clining I give one Dollar;
To MY SUN-IN-LAW ABRAHAM MILLER I give the old still and three pounds on demand;
To MY NEPHEW JOHN OSBORN, one pound seven shillings witch is a book debt;
To MY NEPHEW WILLIAM OSBORN, one two year old steer red with white spots;
To MY NEPHEW AND NIECE WILLIAM BLACK AND CATREN, all the rest of my effects and them two be devided att the decreson of my Executors. WILLIAM BLACK and JOHN ALLEN, executors.