NameBOONE, Nancy Lou
, 2C2R
Birth Date1 Oct 1919
Birth PlaceSpring Creek, Palo Pinto County, Texas
Death Date16 Jun 2002 Age: 82
Death PlaceDumas, Moore County, Texas
FlagsMesser Lineage
Misc. Notes
Mrs. Murphy was born Oct. 1, 1919, in Young County. She had lived in Dumas since 1943.
She married Granville Murphy on Sept. 2, 1947, in Seymour. She was a longtime member of First Baptist Church. She taught second and third grade at Sunset Elementary School for many years. She taught school a total of 33 years.
She was preceded in death by her husband on July 14, 1997. Survivors include two nieces, Susan Perrin of Hereford and Linda Wright of Hooker, Okla; and a host of friends.
Birth Date14 Sep 1916
Birth PlaceMarietta, Love County, Oklahoma
Death Date14 Jul 1997 Age: 80
Death PlaceDumas, Moore County, Texas
FlagsMesser Lineage, Military, World War II