NameBALDWIN, Frances Ann
, 10G Grandmother
Birth Dateabt 1606
Birth PlaceGlassthorpe, Northumberland, England
Death Dateabt 1668 Age: 62
Death PlaceYork County, Virginia
Birth Dateabt 1606
Birth PlaceHerefordshire, England
Death Datebef 7 Feb 1650 Age: 44
Death PlaceKing George County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
Richard came to Virginia at age 14 in 1620 in the Abigale. He was apprenticed to Dr. John Pott, February 20, 1621/22, and lived at James City, 1623/24 with the physician, who had agreed to teach him "the art of an Apothecarye." On October 10, 1626, Townshend petitioned and complained that Dr. Pott was not teaching him. The court ordered Dr. Pott to instruct the young man or pay for his services.
In 1629, Richard represented the plantations between Archer's Hope and Martin's Hundred in the General Assembly, and represented Charles River (later York) County in 1642. He was sworn a member of the Council on July 31, 1642 and served until 1650. He may have returned to England and married because he (age 28), his wife, Frances, (age 21), and two-year-old Francis were listed as passengers for Virginia in the Globe on August 7, 1635. On March 10, 1639/40, he patented 650 acres in Charles River County. He was named in an Act of the Assemby, January 6, 1639/40, as a tobacco viewer from the west side of Wormeley's Creek to the furthest extent of the parish. On February 10, 1647/48, he gave a power of attorney to his friend Rowland Burnham to conduct business in his absence as he was "by God's grace bound for England in the good ship the Honnor of London." He died by February 7, 1650/51 when his widow patented more land.
Marr Dateabt 1639
Marr PlaceStafford County, Virginia