Clayton - Person Sheet
Clayton - Person Sheet
NameWALDRIP, Frances E.
Birth Date11 Feb 1838
Birth PlaceTate County, Mississippi
Death Date1 Mar 1900 Age: 62
Death PlacePanola County, Mississippi
FlagsCivil War-CSA, Clergy, Military
FatherALDRIDGE, James Lemuel (~1795-1862)
MotherTULLY, Rebecca (~1805-1887)
Misc. Notes
In Memoriam

Rev. M L Aldridge was born February 11, 1838, and departed this life March 1st 1900. A faithful soldier of the cross has fallen.

He was converted and joined the M E Church, South at the age of nine years and in September 1861, was licensed to preach. He served a number of years in the M. E. Church South, then joined the Free Methodist Church of which he was a member at his death. He was faithful to his church, a devoted husband and father, and a kind and useful citizen in this community.

He served as a gallant soldier in the confederate army three years, was a member of the Knights of Honor; also a true, prompt and faithful worker in the Masonic Lodge at Courtland, Mississippi.

We, the committee appointed by said lodge to draft resolutions in regard to the memory of Bro. M L Aldridge, beg leave to submit the following; Whereas, God in his infinite wisdom has deemed it best to remove from the scenes of his earthly home our beloved friend and co worker, be it Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to him who doeth all things well, yet we mourn the loss of our fellow worker fully realizing that in his death, our lodge has lost a faithful member who will be greatly missed. Resolved, That we extend to the sorrowing family our sincere and heart-felt sympathy in this their irreparable loss, praying the all wise Father that he may lighten the deep sorrow that has thus fallen upon them, by shedding into their hearts and lives that blessed peace and comfort which man cannot give. Resolved, further that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon and made a part of the minutes of said Masonic Lodge, that a copy of the same be sent to The Panolian for publication, also a copy be sent the bereaved family of our deceased brother.

W. K. Hardy, J. H. Jones, J. A. Tucker, Com.
Last Modified 10 Nov 2012Created 22 May 2023 by Robert Avent