Clayton - Person Sheet
Clayton - Person Sheet
Namede TOTNAIS, Aenor , 24G Grandmother
Birth Dateabt 1084
Birth PlaceBarnstaple, Devon, England
OccupationHeiress of Barnstaple
Death Dateabt 1128 Age: 44
Death PlaceEngland
1de BRAOSE, Philip I , 24G Grandfather
Birth Datebef 1073
Birth PlaceBramber, Sussex, England
OccupationSecond Lord of Bramber
Death Date1134 Age: 61
Death PlaceThe Levant
Fatherde BRAOSE, William I (~1049-~1093)
Motherde SAINT CLARE, Agnes (~1047-)
ChildrenWilliam (~1100-~1192)
Last Modified 14 Apr 2016Created 22 May 2023 by Robert Avent