Birth Date5 Feb 1828
Birth PlaceWalton County, Georgia
Death Date22 Mar 1911 Age: 83
Death PlaceOsteen, Volusia County, Florida
FlagsClarke Lineage
Misc. Notes
James served in Capt. W. W. Park's Co. "C", 8th Georgia Militia (State Guard) as assistance quartermaster 1864-65.
James moved his family of about twelve to Buford, Georgia about 1871. Also in 1871 James Alexander Pattillo was an early merchant in Buford, selling dry goods, groceries, and produce in partnership with J. N. Thompson. James was a banker in the early years of Buford.
The town of Buford was incorporated August 24. 1872. The first Commissioners were Adam Pool, A. G. Harris, John F. Espy, W. R. Stringer ans J. A. Pattillo.
In late 1885 James and Mary moved to Osteen, Valusia County, Florida, buying Mr. Webster Osteen's General Store and where they owned extensive orange groves. In February 1895, a hard freeze dipped south through Florida, and destroyed not only the oranges, but also froze the trees and killed them.
Mary moved back to Buford to live with children and grandchildren, after James died in 1911.
Marr DateAug 1849
Marr PlaceGwinnett County, Georgia
Marr MemoMarriage license was issued in Gwinnett County so it is assumed they were married there instead of Clarke County.