NameOLNEY, Elizabeth

Birth Date31 Jan 1666
Birth PlaceProvidence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Death Date2 Nov 1699 Age: 33
Death PlaceProvidence, Providence County, Rhode Island
FlagsMezera Lineage, Sarr Lineage
Misc. Notes
Joseph’s and Garret’s paternal 10th great grandmother
Birth Date17 Aug 1654
Birth PlaceProvidence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Death Date2 Aug 1727 Age: 72
Death PlaceProvidence, Providence County, Rhode Island
FlagsMezera Lineage, Sarr Lineage
Misc. Notes
Joseph’s and Garret’s paternal 10th great grandfather
Marr Date3 Jan 1686
Marr PlaceProvidence, Providence County, Rhode Island