NameCOX, Charles II

Birth Dateabt 1721
Birth PlaceLancaster County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1798 Age: 77
Death PlaceHenry County, Virginia
FlagsBroan Lineage, Interesting
Misc. Notes
Charles Cox II was mentioned in the diary of Maj. John Redd as being a member of a long range hunting party to southwest Virginia in 1769. Maj. Redd led the exploring and hunting party that returned to Henry County in the spring of 1770.
"Long-hunting" is described by the old frontiersman, John Redd, in the following manner:
The long hunter set out about the first of October, and each man carried two horses, traps, a large supply of powder, lead and a small hand vise and bellows, files and screw plates for the prurose of fixing the guns if any of them should get out of fix, they returned about the last of March or the first of April. In their hunts they rarely went more than two or three in a company, their reason for this was very obvious, they hunted in the western part of Virginia and Kentucky. the country they hunted in was roamed over by the Indians and if they happenned to be discovered by the Indians two or three would not be so apt to excite their fears about having their game killed up, besides this small parties wer mutch more secksesful in taking game than large ones.
Birth Dateabt 1722
Birth PlaceCulpeper County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1810 Age: 88
Death PlaceHenry County, Virginia
FlagsBroan Lineage
Marr Dateabt 1740
Marr PlaceVirginia