NameBORGARDUS, Cornelius
, 9G Grandfather
Birth Date9 Sep 1640
Birth PlaceNieuw Amsterdam, Nieuw Nederlands
Death Date6 May 1666 Age: 25
Death PlaceHolland Ave, Albany, NY, USA
Misc. Notes
CORNELIS BOGARDUS, second son of Domine Everardus
Bogardus, was b. Sept 9, 1640, in the first parsonage located in Brugh street, New Amsterdam. He was bap. in the wooden church erected for his father, near the East river, at what is now 45 Pearl street He m. about 1662, Helena Teller, bap. in 1645, a dan. of William and Margaret (Donscheson) Teller. She
ol as her second husband, Francis Rombouts, (Bergen's Early
Settlers of Kings Co., N. Y., p. 297). (Van Duersen Genealogy.)
When Cornelis was only seven, his father having perished at sea,
his mother leased the house and moved to Albany, where they
lived in what was for then a comfortable home, situated on what
is now State street.
Previous to his marriage Cornelis bought a house from Willem Jansen for which he paid 85 good, whole, merchantable
beaver skins, reckoned at 8 guilders apiece, with which payment
the grantor acknowledges he is fully paid and satisfied." This
transfer was made Sept 11, 1663. He died 1666, only two years
after his marriage, and when he was only twenty-six years old
According to various records his widow married for second husband Jan Hendrickse Van Ball, and for her third husband Francois Rombout Child:
CORNELIS BOGARDUS, was born Oct 13, 1665, in Beverwyck
or Fort Orange, now Albany. Following his mother's second
marriage he went to live with his uncles, Peter and Jonas, sons of
Domine and Anneke Janse Borgardus* They were living at the
time in a house next to their mother's, a site later occupied by
the Albany Evening Journal When several years later Peter
removed to Kingston, Cornelis accompanied him and married
there Rachel DeWitt, in 1691, a daughter of Tyerck Classen DeWitt. Cornelis was owner of a vessel employed in carrying freight on the Hudson River.
In 1700 he returned to Albany. He was made a "Freeman"
and became prominent in its affairs. Later he accompanied Nich-
olas Evertsen on a raid in Colonial service against a band of
French Privateers off the Coast in 1704.
Birth Date13 Oct 1641
Birth PlaceEsopus, Nieuw Nederlands
Death Date20 Nov 1706 Age: 65
Death PlaceAlbany, Albany County, New York
Misc. Notes
Helena, while a young women and before her marriage, lived through the two
Escopus Wars.
Marr Date24 Aug 1664
Marr PlaceHolland Ave, Albany, NY, USA
ChildrenAnne (~1650-1720)