NameHERBERT, Elizabeth
, 11G Grandmother
Birth Date30 Apr 1611
Birth PlaceNorthamptonshire, England
Death Date15 Sep 1668 Age: 57
Death PlaceSalem, Essex County, Massachusetts
FlagsMesser Lineage
Birth Date10 Dec 1610
Birth PlaceWorkington, Cumbria, England
Death Date3 Jan 1685 Age: 74
Death PlaceSalem, Essex County, Massachusetts
FlagsImmigrant, Messer Lineage
Misc. Notes
George wrote his name Corwin, Corwine and Curwin. but used the coat of arms of the Curwens of Workington Hall, Cumberland, England. He wore a ring with the Corwin coats of arms on it.
Under the auspices of the Massachusetts Bay Colony he came to this country with his wife, Elizabeth, his daughter, Abigail, and John in 1638. They settled in Salem and build a house there in 1642.
He became a wealthy merchant there acquiring large tracts of land and taking an active interest in local and military affairs. He first lived on Washington Street, near Norman Street, and then in 1660 he bought from Ann Woodbury a lot on Essex Street where he built a fine mansion, living there the rest of his life. He was active in the First Church of Salem, served by Roger Williams, and Hugh Peter, and in 1647 he contracted to make repairs to the church.
When he died he was one of the wealthiest and most aristrocratic men in New England and left a large estate, including “a silver-laced cloth coat, a velvet ditto, a satin waistcoat embroidered with gold, a trooping scarf and silver hat-hand, golden-topped and embroidered, and a silver-headed cane.”
George Corwin was a freeman in 1665, representative in 1666, 1667, 1669, 1670, 1672, 1674, 1676, a selectman, captain in Philip’s War.
He laid the foundation for commercial enterprise and prosperity in Salem. He first began the building of vessels in that port and was afterward extensively engaged inn commerce during his life. He was often engaged in town affairs and commanded a troop of horses in the Indian War.
Marr Date1636
Marr PlaceEngland