Birth Date3 Apr 1873
Birth PlaceHolly Springs, Marshall County, Mississippi
OccupationCotton Merchant
Death Date2 May 1941 Age: 68
Death PlaceMemphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
FlagsCrump Lineage
Misc. Notes
CRUMP, Dabney Hull
Cotton merchant; born Holly Springs, Miss., April 3, 1873; son James Moore and Caroline Hatch (Smith) Crump; English descent; educated Holly Springs Institute and Memphis city schools; married Mary Metcalf April 10, 1907; Director Business Men’s Club, member Chickasaw and Country Clubs; Director DeSoto Building & Loan Association; Director Country Club Place Land Company and Secretary Parham Land Company; junior member cotton buying firm of F.M. Crump & Company, established 1896; vestryman Calvary Episcopal church.
Source: Who’s Who in Tennessee, Memphis: Paul & Douglass Co., Publishers, 1911; transcribed by Kim Mohler