NameALLEN, Dr. Joseph N. 
Birth Date10 Jun 1815
Birth PlaceShelby County, Kentucky
Death Date3 Apr 1883 Age: 67
Death PlaceDanville, Boyle County, Kentucky
Misc. Notes
JOSEPH N. ALLEN, M.D., was born in Shelby County, Kentucky, June 20, 1815.
His father, John Allen, was a native of Virginia, of Scotch-Irish descent. He was a farmer by vocation. In religion he was an Episcopalian. He came to Kentucky in 1794, and died here during the cholera epidemic of 1835. His wife, Margaret Hornsby, was also a native of Virginia, and of English ancestry.
Joseph M. Allen was reared on a farm, but educated for a physician at Lexington, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio. After graduating, about 1845, he resided in Platte City, Wisconsin, for about ten months, and then went to New Orleans.
In the latter part of 1846 he entered the quartermaster's department in the army destined for Mexico, in which war he served until the close.
For a while he resided in Paducah, Kentucky. In 1849 he went to California, over the plains on horse-back, spent some time in Valparaiso, and in 1852 returned to Spencer County, Kentucky
In 1863 he married Mrs. Elizabeth (Thomas) Beard, widow of Stephen M. Beard, and daughter of A. W. Thomas, who was born in Virginia, March 24, 1797. He came to Kentucky, engaged in farming, represented Spencer County in the State Legislature several terms, and died April 3, 1883.
Mrs. Allen was born March 15, 1828, and is the mother of two children by her first husband: Emma T. (Schofield) and Bell M. Her mother, Elizabeth, was a daughter of Col. William and Ruth (Corn) Boyd. The Doctor is a member of the Presbyterian Church, is a Free Mason, and with his wife resides on a farm of 325 acres on the Louisville and Taylorsville Turnpike.
Birth Date15 Mar 1828
Birth PlaceKentucky
Cause of DeaPneumonia
Death Date18 Jan 1897 Age: 68
Death PlaceDanville, Boyle County, Kentucky
Misc. Notes
Mrs. Elizabeth Allen
[Special Dispatch to The Leader}
Danville, Ky., Jan. 19,—Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, wife of Dr. Joseph Allen of Taylorsville, died here this morning of pneumonia at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George T. Schoolfield. She was 69 years of age.
Mrs. Allen was the mother of Mrs. R. H. King, of this city, and a daughter of Alexander Thomas, of Spencer county, a man who was distinguished for his business sagacity and integrity, as well as for his generous hospitality.
Her first husband was Stephen Beard, uncle to Mr. M. H. Beard, of North Broadway, who left a handsome competency to his family.
Her surviving husband, Dr. Joseph Allen, now well advanced in years, has been a prominent physician in the State and is a brother to Col. “Jack” Allen, of Mexican and Confederate war fame.
Mrs. Allen was a devoted and consistent member of the M. E. Church. She as a lovely Christian character, who had by her many acts of kindness and generous hospitality drawn about her hundreds of devoted friends and admirers who join most sincerely in their sympathy with the bereaved family.