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Beverley Spears
Santa Fe
2022 Recipient, Design Arts
Beverley Spears (Santa Fe) a practicing architect with a focus on regional contemporary design. Her award-winning firm specializes in sustainable commercial and residential design, urban design, and historic preservation.
Beverley Spears, FAIA is a practicing architect with a focus on regional contemporary design, and a longtime resident of Santa Fe. Her award-winning firm specializes in a sustainable commercial and residential design, urban design, and historic preservation.
Her abiding interest in preservation and celebration of historic elements in our built environment has resulted in two published volumes: American Adobes (UNM Press, 1987) explores vernacular architecture throughout Northern New Mexico and Early Churches of Mexico: An Architect's View (UNM Press, 2017) presents a refreshing new look at the sixteenth century church complexes built in central Mexico.
In 2002, Spears was elevated to the national College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects, and in 2003, the Old Santa Fe Association honored her "for her contributions to the character and traditions of Santa Fe."
Spears Horn Architects, her architecture firm, has received numerous design awards from the city of Santa Fe, the state of New Mexico, and the American Institute of Architects.
See 2023 interview video at
Birth Date29 Dec 1944 Age: 79
Birth PlaceMemphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
OccupationCivil Engineer and Mediator/Counselor
Misc. Notes
After receiving his B. A. degree, majoring in Anthropology/Socioology from Duke University in 1966 Philip served with the Peace Corps in India.
Peace Corps connected many in New Mexico to Kennedy
By Anne Constable
The New Mexican
Nov 22, 2013
Philip Crump (
India, 1966-67), a mediator and facilitator, was active in the civil rights movement while an undergraduate at Duke University before joining the Peace Corps. Working with farmers to jump-start the green revolution “really opened my eyes,” he said. “And it has certainly continued to inform my perspective on the world.”
Like many young college graduates, those who joined the Peace Corps often were unsure of what to do with their degrees. In the early days, many young men were looking to avoid being sent to fight in Vietnam. Many were idealists, swept up in the Kennedy charisma, but some of the most successful also were seeking practical solutions to global problems.
Most returned with a sense of wanting to be of service. Many became educators, entered graduate school or joined the U.S. Foreign Service. “The idea of thinking globally and acting locally is still alive and well among returned Peace Corps volunteers,” Crump said.
Upon moving to New Mexico Philip received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering (with honors) in 1984 from the University of New Mexico in 1984.
Challenge for Santa Feans
The New MexicanFebruary 11, 1993
Appellate Court Judge Lynn Pickard will fulfill one of her campaign promises Saturday but it won’t be in the courtroom It’ll be in Grants up the side of Mt Taylor on a bicycle a pair of cross country skis snowshoes and running shoes As a soloist for the second time Pickard will be one of two Santa Fe women along with Jan Bear and more than 35 Santa Feans who will compete in the 10th annual Mt Taylor Winter Quadrathlon on Saturday morning. The endurance race which drew a record 523 entrants last year and could draw more this year.
Another Santa Fean who relishes the local terrain for training purposes is Philip Crump who will solo the Quad for the first time He will compete in the 40-49 age division “I like the proximity of the mountains in training for skiing And training at 7000 feet certainly beats training at 5000 feet” which is the altitude of Albuquerque where Crump lived before moving to Santa Fe four years ago “And there is usually something like cold or inclement weather around to harden us up.
“Long distance running is my primary focus” said Crump who also swims three -days a week at Salvador Perez Pool. “I like to run for two or three hours at a time to try and build some endurance because that’s going to be the name of the game “And with all the wonderful snow around I’ve been doing more cross country skiing this year.
Marr Date1 Jul 1989
Marr PlaceSanta Fe, New Mexico
Marr MemoRandall Davey Audubon Center