NameDALRYMPLE, Archibald Eugene III

Birth Date28 Dec 1924
Birth PlaceAmory, Monroe County, Mississippi
Death Date15 Mar 2010 Age: 85
Death PlaceAmory, Monroe County, Mississippi
FlagsMilitary, World War II
Misc. Notes
Arch Dalrymple, III passed away at the age of 85 of natural causes on Monday, March 15, 2010, at his home in Amory, Mississippi. His wife of 49 years, Adine Lampton Wallace Dalrymple, formerly of Jackson, preceded him in death.
Mr. Dalrymple was born on December 28, 1924, in Amory, Mississippi to Kathleen Wilbanks Dalrymple and Arch Dalrymple, Jr. He was a graduate of Amory High School and attended Amherst College and Cornell University before graduating from the University of Mississippi with a degree in History. He served in the U.S. Army (Engineers Infantry) from 1943 to 1945 as a Second Lieutenant.
He was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of Amory and was an avid sportsman, conservationist, and arborist. Widely read in history, government, economics, and foreign affairs, he was admired as an amusing and knowledgeable storyteller. He documented his extensive research into genealogical as well as local and regional history in informal writing and extensive correspondence.
Mr. Dalrymple's business interests included farming, timber, cattle, commercial, and residential real estate, oil and gas. As a young man, he was the President and principal partner of Dalrymple Equipment Company, a distributor of heavy construction machinery in Mississippi and West Tennessee, and he later served for years on the Board of Directors of Trustmark National Bank in Jackson, Mississippi. He served in Washington, D.C. as a consultant to the U.S. State Department with the 21st Foreign Service Officer Selection Board. He was a director of the Mississippi Economic Council and a director of the Monteagle Sunday School Assembly, where he also served as a director of the Assembly's Endowment Fund. He served on the Board of Director of the Mississippi Children's Home Society and on the Board of Trustees of Chatham Hall School for Girls in Virginia.
Mr. Dalrymple was a passionate advocate of education at all levels and was a founding member and a president of the Mississippi School Boards Association and a member of the Mississippi Governor's School Finance Study Group. He served as a member and a president of the Board of Trustees of the Amory Separate School District and as an advisor in the design of the Amory Middle and Elementary schools. He was the first chairman of the Amory City Planning Commission, a member of the advisory board of the University of Mississippi Engineering School, a board member of the University of Mississippi Alumni Association, and a member of the Board of Directors and a president of the Mississippi Historical Society. He was especially proud to have served as a Trustee of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History for 32 years.
Mr. Dalrymple was inducted as a member of the Society of the Cincinnati, an organization consisting of one descendant of each officer in General George Washington's American Army. Throughout his life he was also a generous and engaged philanthropic donor, most recently under the auspices of The Dalrymple Family Foundation, which he founded. A connoisseur of architecture and landscape design, he traveled extensively in Europe with his wife, "Deanie," and was especially fond of visiting Scotland, where he cultivated many friendships. He leaves behind many devoted friends and family members along with his faithful Labrador retriever, Connie.
Arch Dalrymple III is survived by three daughters, Jane Dalrymple-Hollo of Boulder, Colorado, Mary Dalrymple Cameron of Oxford, Mississippi, and Martha Dowd Dalrymple of Amory, Mississippi, with whom he was a business partner for over 25 years. He is also survived by his sister, Martha Dalrymple Guffy, of Dallas, Texas, as well as three grandchildren, Benjamin Alan Cameron, Adine Wallace Cameron, Emily Dalrymple Cameron, and three great grandchildren.
Birth Date7 Apr 1926
Birth PlaceMemphis, Shelby County, Tennessee
Cause of DeaEmphysema
Death Date26 Feb 2002 Age: 75
Death PlaceAmory, Monroe County, Mississippi
Misc. Notes
Adine Terrell Wallace Dalrymple, affectionately known as “Deanie” was born in Memphis to George C. Wallace and Adine Terrell Lampton Wallace, but was reared in Jackson from an early age. She was a graduate of Ward-Belmont in Nashville, Tennessee, and Sophie Newcomb College of Tulane University. She and Helen Lampton Lowe were the organizers of the Jackson Junior League. She was a member of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in Mississippi and the Rebecca Cravat Chapter of the MS DAR. She was a member of Amory Presbyterian Church. She married Arch Dalrymple in 1953 and they lived in Amory.
She was an organizing member of the Amory Junior Auxiliary. She was active as a contributor and member of the board of the Amory Regional Museum, where she was a former president. She and her husband maintained a summer home at Monteagle, Tennessee, where she was active in the Monteagle Sunday School Assembly and served on the governing board.
Survivors include her husband, Arch Dalrymple; three daughters, Jane Lampton Dalrymple-Hollo and her husband, Anselm Hollo, of Boulder, Colo., Mary Dalrymple Cameron and her husband, Alan B. Cameron, of Oxford, and Martha Dowd Dalrymple and her husband, James L. Cummins, of Amory; three grandchildren, Benjamin Alan Cameron, Adine Wallace Cameron and Emily Dalrymple Cameron.
Marr Date14 Nov 1953
Marr PlaceJackson, Hinds County, Mississippi