NameEZZELL, Thomas Mason Jr.

Birth Date14 Dec 1943 Age: 80
Birth PlaceFresno, Fresno County, California
FlagsEzzell Line, Military
Misc. Notes
After graduation from East High School in Memphis, Mason attended Memphis State University graduating with a BBA degree in December 1966.
At graduation, he received a commission as a 2nd Lt. In the USAF. Mason spent five years as a pilot accumulating over 3000 flying hours. In 1973 he left the service, and moved back to Memphis.
In 1975 Mason started his own business, Lamination Service Inc. (LSI) Today LSI employees approximately 80 people, selling and manufacturing photo identification related equipment and supplies nationally and internationally. In 1965 he married Jane Beck, a Hutchison graduate.
Birth Date24 Aug 1947 Age: 76
FlagsEzzell Line
Marr Date22 Jul 1965
Marr PlaceFlorence, Lauderdale County, Alabama