NameDOODES, Mairedort (Mindert)

Birth Dateabt 1614
Birth PlaceNederlands
Death Date13 Dec 1677 Age: 63
Death PlaceMiddlesex County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
A wealthy Dutch merchant came to this country with his wife probably prior to 1650 in his own ship.
The will of Minor aka Maindort aka Meindert Doodes is recorded in the Clerk's office of Middlesex County, Virginia on 13 December 1677. He bequeathed all of his estate to his wife, Mary Doodes, but if she remarried, son Doodes minor's children were to have half of the Negroes and the other half to go to Peter Montague for the sole use of his wife and after her death to the sole use of her children.
Will of Maindort Doodes , 13 Dec 1677
In the name of God, Amen! I, Maindort Doodes, being in body of sound and perfect memory doe ordain this my Last will and Testament. First I doe bequeath my sole to God that gave it; and my body to be buried in Christian buriall at the descretion of my Executors or Executrix hereafter named.
Item. My Debts being firste paid. I leave my hole personall estate in the hands of my loving wife Mary Doodes during the time of her widowhood and of inkase she should marry again then my will is that my sonne Doodes Minor's children shall have the one half of my negros forthwith delivered into the possession of their Father for the sole use and behouf of them while such time, that it shall please God to take him away, and the Rebound to the use of their Mother during the time of her widowhood and afterwards to them solely and Inkase of the mortality of Ither without issue the survivor to succeed there on: and the other half to be forthwith delivered into the possession of Peter Montague for the sole use of their children and Inkase of the mortality of Ither of them without issue the Survivor to succeed thereon as above said; and soe to Remain them and their Increase male and female and not to souled or Morgaged; and free Increase Males and female and not to be morgaged and further my will is that the two ould negroes Degoet and Pallis his wife shall serve, but ten years after my desease, then then to be free and Doe make my loving wife Mary Doodes, and my loving friend William Chance my sole Executor & Executrix to see my will truly performed in witness where of I here with set my hand and seal the 13th day of December, 1677. And none of my other Negroes to serve any longer than forty five years an sole them or their Increase.
Maindort Doodes (Seal)
On the will of Minor Doodes at Middlesex, VA, dated 13 Dec., 1677, is a seal, bearing the impression of a 17th Century ship with three masts and resting on water.
Birth PlaceNederlands
Death Date9 Jan 1686
Death PlaceMontagues Island, Middlesex County, Virginia
Marr Dateabt 1640
Marr PlaceVirginia