NameWISDOM, Abner Jr.

Birth Dateabt 1675
Birth PlaceEngland
MemoNear Welsh Border
OccupationLawyer and Member House of Commons
Death Dateabt 1765 Age: 90
Death PlaceEngland
Misc. Notes
Abner Wisdom was born in England, near the border of
Wales, about the year 1675. There are no records at
hand to show when he was married or to whom. It is
generally conceded, however, that he married at a young
He was a man of high intellectual powers and was a
member of the House of Commons during the reign of
King George II, and is reputed to have been a very brilliant
lawyer, being quite influential among his colleagues.
Of Abner’s children Brinsley Mortimer, Pollard William and Francis Torrence emigrated to America about the year 1730. The others remained in England.