NameLEE, Frances

Birth Dateabt 1693
Birth PlaceGloucester County, Virginia
Death Dateaft 1760 Age: 67
Death PlaceShepherds Hill, Caroline County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
Frances’ maiden name may have been VIVIAN.
Birth Date10 Mar 1688
Birth PlaceGloucester Courthouse, Virginia
Death Date13 Apr 1744 Age: 56
Death PlaceShepherds Hill, Caroline County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
One of two brothers (the other was Richard) who emigrated to Virginia in the early part of the eighteenth century. The family is of Welsh extraction.
Robert was reported to be somewhat eccentric and had a beligerent personality but he was a good and useful citizen developing Shepherd’s Hill (his Caroline County, Virginia home) into a large and successful plantation. He was one of 18 Magistrates appointed by the King to set up the Caroline County government in 1727.
See which mentions that Robert Woolfolk purchased the Needwood Tavern and the rights to operate the stage line on the Richmond Post Road. His descendants operated the stage line for the next 100 years.
Marr Dateabt 1713
Marr PlaceGloucester County, Virginia