NameGOODLOE, Henry

Birth Date1675
Birth PlaceSaluda, Virginia
Death Date25 Nov 1748 Age: 73
Death PlaceSt. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
Will from Goodloe Genealogy, Part B--First three generations of Goodloes in Virginia Chapter II page B-11 to 12.
I, Henry Goodloe, of St. George Parish in the County of Spotsylvania and colony of Virginia...
Imprimus. It is my will that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be first satisfied and paid.
Item. I lend unto my beloved wife, during her natural life, the plantations whereon I now live and the third part of the land therto belong, and one negro man name Peter, one negro woman named Hannah, one ditto named Nancy, one feather bed and furniture, three cows and calves, one iron pot and hooks, one pewter dish and three pewter plates.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son, Robert Goodloe, and his heirs and assigns forever, the tract of land on which I now live, only my beloved wife is to have her life in ye plantation and third part. I also give unto my said son, Robert Goodloe, and his heirs and assigns forever, my tract of land whereon Michael Smith now lives, and my tract of land in Amelia County, and five Negro slaves-Sam, Matt, Han, Yeoman and Jugg, and the three Negro slaves heretofore lent to my beloved wife, after her decease.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Elizabeth, now the wife of Robert Durrett, one Negro boy named Jack, her and her heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter, Elizabeth Maulden, one cow and calf, and twelve pounds current money to her and her heirs.
Item. All the residue and remainder of my estate of what kind or quantity soever, including the personal estate lent to my beloved wife, I give and bequeath ye same to be equally divided between my beloved children, Elizabeth now ye wife of Robert Durrett, Jane now ye wife of John Maulden and Catherine now the wife of John Durrett, to them and their heirs forever.
Item. I appoint and constitute Robert Durrett and Robert Goodloe executors of this my last will and testament--In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of Nov., 1748."
Henry Goodloe (seal)
Witnesses: John Minor, Diana Goodloe, and John Wallace Summer.
Proven and admitted to record May 2nd, 1749. The widow renounced the provisions of the will and Robert Durrett having refused to qualify, Robert Goodloe, alone, became the executor.
Will also recorded in Crozier's "Virginia County Records" Vol. 1--Spotsylvania p. 9 and Will Book A (1722-1749; p. 496)
Birth Date1678
Birth PlaceSaluda, Virginia
Death Date3 Dec 1751 Age: 73
Death PlaceSt. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
Goodloe Genealogy, Part B Chapter II page B-12
Will of Elizabeth Goodloe
In the name of god, Amen, the 25th of Feb., in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty. I, Elizabeth Goodloe, widow and relict of Henry Goodloe, deceased, of Spotsylvania County, being very sick and weak in body…
Imp. I give to my granddaughter Elizabeth Maulden, one cow to be paid to her at her marriage, or coming to age.
Item. I give to my son, Robert Goodloe, all the rest of my estate, real and personal, of what kind or quantity soever, to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I do hereby appoint Robert Goodloe executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking….
In witness whereof, I have set my hand and seal this 25th day of Feb. 1750.
Elizabeth (her mark E) Goodloe
Witnesses: Henry Johnson, Elizabeth Maulden
Probated Dec. 3rd, 1751.
Will also recorded in Crozier's "Virginia County Records" Vol. 1 Spotsylvania , p. 11 and in Will Book B (1749-1759; p. 87)
Goodloe Genealogy, Part B First three generations of Goodloes in Virginia Chapter II page B 12-14
"Who Was the Wife of Henry Goodloe?"
...There remains an equally interesting question, or proposition, that perhaps the Wife of Henry Goodloe was Elizabeth Weekes--this appears on Record Card # 84199 of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, utah, and this has had special investigation in 1979, along with the LDS Family Group Chart on Abraham Weekes of Middlesex County VA and his wife Millicent showing as sources of information the Deed and Wills of Middlesex County; Christ Church Parish Register of Middlesex Co., and Virginia historical and Genealogical Magazine V. 5, pp. 168-9; with a listing of the Weekes children as follows: Catherine christened 15 Dec 1661, Francis, Mary, Lettice, Elizabeth, daughter.
To be very brief, this question of Elizabeth Weeks as the possible wife of henry Goodloe has been settled (1979) by the retaining of a professional genealogist in Salt Lake City who made an intensive study of the various printed records and came up with a report of "overwhelming" evidence that Elizabeth Weeks could not have been Mrs. Henry Goodloe. (For this very important contribution to accuracy in the Goodloe Genealogy, grateful thanks go to Marion M. Davie9, a descendant of Parson Henry Goodloe4's son Vivian5 and his wife Dorothy Tompkins of Kentucky, who organized and paid for the special search.)
The search continues for specific documentation of the exact maiden surname of the wife of Henry Goodloe; there is always hope that someone will be able to produce acceptable documents.