NameGARLAND, Peter Sr.

Birth Date10 May 1592
Birth PlaceNorthamptonshire, England
Death Date4 Jan 1661 Age: 68
Death PlaceMortua est in Mari-Atlantic Ocean
Misc. Notes
In 1626 was a mariner at Casco, Massachusetts, and Master of a ship. Mariner of Malden, Massachusetts, in 1634 - 1638; Dover in 1640, Boston, Massachusetts.
1654. died at sea in the south. He fished in Casco Bay with Plymonth Colony members John Cousins and John Mills.
Birth Dateabt 1599
Birth PlaceEngland
Death Date19 Feb 1687 Age: 88
Death PlaceHampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire
ChildrenPeter (~1623-1660)