NameBEARD, Ellen

Birth Dateabt 1513
Birth PlaceWarwick, Birmingham, St. Martin, England
Death Date28 Jan 1560 Age: 47
Death PlaceBirmingham, West Midlands, England
Birth Dateabt 1500
Birth PlaceWarwick, Birmingham, St. Martin, England
Death Date3 Aug 1575 Age: 75
Death PlaceShottle, Derbyshire, England
Misc. Notes
Jennings Family
"A, Jennens, Danish captain accompanied Canut, King of Denmark, to England about 900. He was granted lands near the court at Harwich in return for his services to his master's gather, Sweyne King of Dnmark.
A descendent of this Jennens, also a sea captain brought the body of Richard Cour de Lion from Palestine and in commendation of this event was granted three plummets, shells as a coat of arms. These Jennings took no prominent part either in public life or at court until the reign of Henry VIII when one Robert Jennings was employed in the royal household.
He became a favoarite with the King, who gave him a sword and belt, and about the year 1545 appointed him chief ranger and deer stalker in the parish of Duffield, Derbyshire. He lived at Shottle.To this branch belongs the families descended from Robert of Shottle,
John of Birmingham and Philip of Duddlestane, who was father of Admiral Sir John Jennings or Jennens, well known in the days of Queen Anne; also Robert Jennens, Sarah's correspondent, who was about the court and his son the famous William who died intestate and for whose property there were many claimants -this Jarudyce vs Jarudyce in "Bleak House" being founded on this case.
Notes on this above information by Thos. Perry, F.C.S in "Duchess Sarah"
by Mrs. Arthur Colvill, Published by Longman, Green & Co., New York City.