NameTELLER, William Jr.

Misc. Notes
William Teller, Jr., born 1657, was supervisor of farms in Renslearwyck.
He married Rachel Kierstede November 19, 1686. She was the daughter of Dr. Hans Kierstede, who came to this country from Magdeburg, in 1633, and was the earliest practicing physician, apothecary, and surgeon in the province. Her mother was Sara Roeloff, daughter of Anneke Webber Jans, whose father, Prince Wolfert Webber (a cousin of Queen Anne) bequeathed by Will, dated 1664, valuable holdings in Holland, Dutch Borneo, and New Amsterdam, to the ninth generation of her descendants.
This promise of untold wealth lured many of her descendants to make a vain attempt to gain this inheritance.