NameSETON, Martha

Birth Dateabt 1614
Birth PlaceDalkeith, Midlothian, Scotland
Death Dateabt 1689 Age: 75
Death PlaceNorwich, Norfolk, England
Birth Dateabt 1610
Birth PlaceDalkeith, Midlothian, Scotland
Death Dateabt 1640 Age: 30
Death PlaceDalkeith, Midlothian, Scotland
Misc. Notes
Ordained in the Scottish Epicopal Church January 2, 1633, he became that day incumbent of the Parish of Salton, County Haddington. He was deposed in 1644 for speaking against the covenant.
His ability as a minister may be estimated by his continuence for eleven years in a parish in which he was succeeded successively by Sougal, Bishop of Aberdeen, and Burnett, Bishop of Salisbury.
It is possible that it was he who fought in the Swedish Army, and his wife may have been a Swedish princess. If so, he probably was married before Adolphus died, 1632. This leave a period of near 60 years between his marriage and the birth of his grandson, Dr. Gustavus Brown!
Marr Date19 Jul 1623
Marr PlaceTranant, East Lothian, Scotland