The Hood Family of Webster County, Mississippi - Person Sheet
The Hood Family of Webster County, Mississippi - Person Sheet
NameHOOD, Andrew , 1C6R
Birth Dateapp 1747
Birth Placeprobably in Pennsylvania
FatherHOED, Luykas (1708-1771)
Mothervan STOCKHOLM, Johanna (~1712-~1771)
Misc. Notes
Lived a while in Shepherdstown, Frederick County, Virginia (now Jefferson County, West Virginia), where he married his wife. Moved to to Pennsylvania in 1774 and ten years later settled permantly in Bourbon County, Kentucky, where he built what was known as the site of Hood’s Station (presently located in Clark County near Winchester).

Andrew Hood served in the Revolutionary War as a private under General George Rogers Clark, and it is thought that he came to Kentucky to take up bounty land he received for his military services. He was usually called “Major”, the source of that title having been earned as an Indian fighter, according to family tradition.

His descendants spread eastwardly from Clark County, settling mostly in Montgomery, Bath, Mason, Carter and present Greenup and Boyd Counties.
Birth Dateapp 1748
Birth PlaceFrederick County, Virginia
Marr Date1769
ChildrenJohn (1769-1853)
 Lucas (1770-1843)
 Lewis (1773-)
 Sybbee (1779-)
 Thomas (1782-~1825)
 Andrew (1784->1884)
 Rachel (1786-)
 Henry (1788-)
 Elizabeth (1790-~1825)
 Margaret (1792-)
 Martha (1794-)
 Catherine (1796-)
Last Modified 10 Sep 2012Created 13 Apr 2023 by Robert Avent