NameBOTTOMS, Lt. David Newton 
Birth Date3 Mar 1836
Birth PlaceMarion County, Alabama
Death Date17 Apr 1863 Age: 27
Death PlaceMarion County, Alabama
Misc. Notes
David Newton BOTTOMS was a farmer until he entered the Civil War. Evidently he entered near the beginning of the War. He attained the rank of Fist Lieutenant in Company K, Patterson's Cavalry Regiment.
There is a story that He and his commanding officer sat in rain for several hours planning strategy after which he contracted pneumonia. He was sent home on sick leave and passed on a few weeks later.
DAVID N BOTTOMS - born March 3, 1836 - died April 17, 1863 buried in the Buttahatchee School Cemetery, Marion County, Alabama. There is a Tombstone that reads "Alabama 1st Lieut. Company K - 5 Reg. Alabama Cav. CSA -March 3, 1836 -April 17, 1863." He was married to KISIAL[Kesiah] born 6 June 1830 - died 28 Dec 1877 - as per the tombstone at Butachatchee School Cemetery which reads "Wife of D N Bottoms - Jan 6, 1830 - Dec 28,1877. next to her husband.
Below is a copy of a letter from Dave to his family during the Civil War:
"Head Quarters Cherokee
Oct the ___ 1862
Dear wife & children Mother & sisters
I agane take my pen in hand to write you a few lines to Let yew all kno my situation. I am only tolerble well. I have the werst cold I ever had. I am s[c] out with 25 of my men about 5 mils below cherokee we was in 4 miles of the yankes yisterday bu[t] they are all gon from her to correnth. I am a ferd our battalion will be brook up. Mager Warn Left us lst Monday was a week ago to go to Pries to git guns for us he was to be back in 3 days & he hant got back yet it is thout that the yankes had got him we came her yesterday and have to stay on gard till to morrow morning we see a hard time her nothing to eat but beef and Cold brad and Lie on the cold grond and drink bad warter I have not seen Rile in 4 days but I look for him to morrow he is gon after deserter
page 2
I can say to you that I got your Letters whitch give me grate satisfaction to her that yew was all well I dont no when I can come home but I think I will come in few day tell Aunt Parlee and aunt Linday that unkle Jasper & unkle Isham is with me now & is well and tell unkle Bill that Dave is well he is with me now Thomas Meguire & T. L. Cantrel & Livett and sevrel of the boys that has bin with me in everry scout and stood up to me and swor that they will be dam if they dont
I hope thees few lines may find yew all well. I want to see yew all the worst I ever did tell Unkle Seth and aunt darky that I would Like to see them verry much so no more at present but remains
yours until death
D. N. Bottoms
reverse of page 2
the yankes burnt a woman and child down her a few day ago
NOTE: In the cemetery listing of Buttahatchee School Cemetery before the listing for David N and Kisial Bottoms are the following three graves. the three inscriptions are found on a casket shaped stone covering each of the three built up stone graves. They are of small children and would lead one to assume because of the dates and proximity to David N's grave that they are his children. No documentation is given to substantiate the kinship, however, one must be a granddaughter of Ursula because of her name. What ever the connection, we know these babies were well loved because the parents documented the day of the week they were born and the day of the week they died.
In a 'Day Book' that belonged to David Newton Bottoms there is a listing of births / deaths in this family. The 'Day Book' when closed measures 3 3/4 inches wide by 6 inches tall. When open, it measures 7 3/8 inches wide by 6 inches tall. It is composed of blue, lined paper, sewn down the middle of the innermost page. Most of the entries are in 'brown ink' and those that were made prior to David Newton Bottoms' death appear to be in his handwriting.
Birth Date6 Jan 1836
Birth PlaceMarion County, Alabama
Death Date28 Dec 1877 Age: 41
Death PlaceMarion County, Alabama
Marr Dateabt 1855
Marr PlaceMarion County, Alabama