The Hood Family of Webster County, Mississippi - Person Sheet
NameCROWLEY, William Nathaniel

Birth Date1843
Birth PlaceFayette, Fayette County, Alabama
Death Date11 Jan 1911 Age: 68
Death PlaceLittle Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas
Misc. Notes
Born in Fayette, AL, son of Samuel and Lucinda Carrol Crowley. Siblings Mary Francis and Henrietta Crowley. Children are Lucinda Anne, Mary Francis, William Edward,Charles Newton, Samuel Leroy, George Elonzo, Hugh Adolpus and Walter Clarence.
Private William Crowley served as a Private 1st Regiment, Company A,
Mississippi Mounted Rifle Rifles. He enlisted on 15 Mar 1864 and mustered out 26 Jun 1865. Wounded in Action.
William and his family moved from TN,when Lucinda was a Baby and settled in Saline Co, Arkansas.
Birth Date11 Mar 1851
Birth PlaceFayette, Fayette County, Alabama
Death Date7 Apr 1927 Age: 76
Death PlaceLittle Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas
Misc. Notes
Laura is the daughter of Eliza Groat. Laura's Father died before she was born.
Her stepfather is Edwin Garland Rea.Half Brothers are George Washington and James Rea.Half Sister Ida Rea.