The Hood Family of Webster County, Mississippi - Person Sheet
NameJONES, Alice

Birth Date1678
Birth PlaceDavidsonville, Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Death Date1737 Age: 59
Death PlaceAnne Arundel County, Maryland
Birth Date27 Jun 1658
Birth PlaceSouth Leith Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH AT, England
Death Date3 Jan 1711 Age: 52
Death PlaceLondontown, Anne Arundel County, Maryland
OccupationMerchant, Innkeeper and Ferry Operator
Misc. Notes
Sometime around 1690 a merchant named David Macklefish (also spelled Macklefresh) arrived in the newly established town of London. Macklefish, a Scotsman, was clearly a prominent individual in the early history of the town, owning more lots than any other resident during this period, and lending his name to the principal east/west street along the peninsula.
NOTE: Origin of the McElfresh Name
The name McElfresh comes from the old Gaelic "MacGhille Bhris" which translates to "son of the servant of St. Bricius"(a Gaulish Saint) or from "MacGhille bhreis" which has the meaning of "son of the servant of the prince". The scholars have yet to figure out which of these is the true derivation but the latter seems to be most likely.
The McElfresh have been adopted, so to speak, by the Clan Donald and thus may claim the MacDonald of Sleat tartan and crest.
The name is of Hebridean origin but early records find McElfreshes in lowland counties around Edinburgh.
Marr Date1694
Marr PlaceLondontown, Anne Arundel County, Maryland