The Hood Family of Webster County, Mississippi - Person Sheet
NameRHEA, Matthew Campbell

Birth Dateabt 1660
Birth PlaceSkipness, Argyll, Scotland
Death Dateaft 1689 Age: 29
Death PlaceLondonderry, County Donegal, Ireland
Misc. Notes
Although the exploits of Matthew Rhea have been recorded by his grandchildren and great grandchildren, the events of the early life of Matthew in Scotland
have yet to be confirmed. It is thought he was the son of Walter Campbell. Circumstances and a number of references point to this. It has yet to be proven.
If this lineage proves to be true, the following would pertain this son of Walter.
July 2, 1679 Archibald, Earl of Argyll signed a
sasine in factor of Matthew Campbell and Walter his father for a lifetime interest in the lands of Orgaig in the Barony of Skipness, parish of Kilcalmonell. This Matthew is also reported in Burkes Landed Gentry as having married the daughter of Sir Francis Kinlock. Matthew was a merchant and shipmaster.
Birth Dateabt 1600
Birth PlaceLondonderry, Templemore, Ulster, Ireland
Death Date1692 Age: 92
Death PlaceLondonderry, Templemore, Ulster, Ireland
Marr Date27 Apr 1687
Marr PlaceLondonderry, County Donegal, Ireland