The Hood Family of Webster County, Mississippi - Person Sheet

Birth Dateabt 1770
Birth PlaceSouth Carolina
Death Dateabt 1850 Age: 80
Death PlaceTuscaloosa County, Alabama
Birth Dateabt 1763
Birth PlaceNorth Carolina
Death Date9 Nov 1822 Age: 59
Death PlaceSouth Carolina
Misc. Notes
Samuel Brasher (also Brazier, Brashier, Braiseure, and Boushears), born circa 1764, died 9 November 1822, was a brother of John Brasher, Jr and also served in the Revolutionary War. Samuel was a "Fifer" in the 8th Co (Liddell's), 3rd SC INf Regt, from 27 Nov 1777 to 1 Feb 1780; then as a private. He was in the battle of Fort Sullivan.
His service is documented in American State Papers, Claims 1794-1796, page 403 (Certificate issued 1 July 1794, #5640; paid $219.72, interest commencing 1 July 1781); see "Georgia Gen Mag" Fall 1981. His service has also been recognized by the DAR (member; Mildred Morris of Carrollton, TX)."
Marr Dateabt 178
Marr PlaceChatham County, North Carolina