Jonathan-Claire - Person Sheet
NameSMITH, Elizabeth Ann
, 9G Grandmother
Birth Dateabt 1682
Birth PlaceHempstead, Queens, New York
Death Dateaft 1749 Age: 67
Death PlaceHopewell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey
Misc. Notes
Not sure of maiden name.
Birth Dateabt 1693
Birth PlaceHempstead, Nassau County, New York
Death Date30 Mar 1749 Age: 56
Death PlaceHopewell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey
Misc. Notes
William Cornell will dated 7 Oct 1747 Abstract: to my eldest son Smith one dozen plate buttons and five Pound current money. .to my wife Elizabeth...the usual. to youngest sons, Benjamin and Edward, my Home Plantation, to my second son William, and my third son John, my other plantations, to my daughter Hanna, Elizabeth, Sarah, Charity, Mary and Martha... Lastly I appoint as exec my sons Smith & William Cornell, and my son-in-law (Hanna's husband) Edward Hunt. Signed William Cornell (seal). Witnessed by: Edward Hunt Sr, Jonas Wood, Reuben Armitage.