NameSMITH, Stephen A.
, 5G Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1814
Death PlaceTransylvania County, North Carolina
Misc. Notes
Stephen A. Smith was also married to Susan Ellen Brown Smith; they married about 1835. They were parents of 9 children; the last child was born in 1859.
Stephen Smith's first wife was Susan Brown. On the 1850 census of Henderson County, NC, both Stephen and Susan Smith are listed as age 45, making them born about 1805. Susan (Brown) Smith died probably about 1856. Stephen Smith remarried to Ellen Collins in Buncombe County, NC on February 16, 1857. On the 1860 census, Stephen Smith is listed age 46 (born about 1814) and his wife Ellen is listed age 40 (born about 1820). There is a nine year discrepancy in Stephen Smith's age between these two censuses. It is not known which approximate age was the accurate one.