Jonathan-Claire - Person Sheet
, 6G Grandmother
Birth Date30 Jun 1788
Birth PlaceMacon County, North Carolina
Death Date28 Mar 1883 Age: 94
Death PlaceCashires, Jackson County, North Carolina
Birth Date10 May 1777
Birth PlaceRutherford County, North Carolina
Death Date1 Sep 1869 Age: 92
Death PlaceMacon County, North Carolina
Misc. Notes
The only one that remained in Rabun County, Baral lived on Bettys Creek. Both he and his wife were literate.
Deeds of his land sales prove that he moved to North Carolina between 1826 and 1829. It would have taken a number of years to clear land, build his house, etc. . . The first settler in Whiteside Cove was Barak Norton. He came from South Carolina and settled in the cove about 1820 . . .
He lived to the advanced age of 99 or 100 and died at James Wright's about three miles north of Highlands, near Short Off . . . His wife . . . also lived to an advanced age . . . Bark Norton and his wife were strong adherents to the Universalist belief and died strong in the faith.
Barak served in Capt. Mosby’s Company of the North Carolina Militia during the War of 1812.
Marr Date10 Jan 1805
Marr PlacePickens County, South Carolina