Jonathan-Claire - Person Sheet
NameBISHOP, Elizabeth
, 14G Grandmother
Birth Date19 Dec 1624
Birth PlaceRappahannock, Virginia
Death Date21 Apr 1676 Age: 51
Death PlaceRappahannock, Virginia
Birth Date1 Mar 1623
Birth PlaceLangton, Lincolnshire, England
Death Date9 Dec 1676 Age: 53
Death PlaceRappahannock, Virginia
Misc. Notes
John Gregory emigrated to Virginia prior to September 1652, at which time he first appears in the court records of Lancaster County, Virginia.
The records of both Old Rappahannock and Lancaster Counties have John Gregory listed frequently as an appraiser, attorney, and witness. He is listed as a vestryman for Farnham Parish in November 1665, in Old Rappahannock County.