Jonathan-Claire - Person Sheet
NameWILLIAMS, Dr. Daniel Jonathan M. D.
, 5G Grandfather
Birth Date24 Nov 1826
Birth PlaceMonroe County, Georgia
Death Date13 Feb 1891 Age: 64
Death PlaceHarris County, Georgia
OccupationPhysician and Methodist Circuit Rider
Misc. Notes
From Troup County Archives: In the book Methodist Preachers in Georgia, it only gives his birth and death dates and places and mentions his parents, same as in the obit, but says nothing about his appointments or his children. However, the obit does mention the number of children!
Dr. Daniel J. Williams was a graduate of Atlanta Medical College, receiving his degree in March 1, 1858. He was born in Monroe County, Georgia, and all this info he furnished when he registered as a physician in Hamilton, Harris County, Georgia, in 1881.
Birth Date22 May 1832
Birth PlaceGeorgia
Death Date27 Aug 1894 Age: 62
Death PlaceHarris County, Georgia