NameBAKER, Captain Michael

Birth Date16 Oct 1752
Birth PlaceBergton, Rockingham County, Virginia
Death Date6 Dec 1803 Age: 51
Death PlaceBergton, Rockingham County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
Michael was sworn in as a captain with the Rockingham militia on September 24, 1781.
This information from “A History Of Rockingham County Virginia" by John W. Wayland PHD and "Chronicles of th The Scotch Irish Settlers in Virginia" by Layman Chakley.
“Michael was a good friend of George Washington and after the Revolutinary War George Washington called on Michael as he passed through Rockingham County, Virginia”
Birth Dateabt 1751
Birth PlaceRockingham County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1820 Age: 69
Death PlaceRockingham County, Virginia
Marr Date1767
Marr PlaceRockingham County, Virginia