The Latimers - Person Sheet
The Latimers - Person Sheet
Namede GRESLEY, Sir Thomas
Birth Datebef 1368
Birth PlaceGresley, Drakelow, Derbyshire, England
Death Dateabt 1445 Age: 77
Death PlaceGresley, Drakelow, Derbyshire, England
Fatherde GRESLEY, Sir Nicholas (~1345-~1380)
Motherde WASTENEYS, Thomasine (~1345-~1405)
Birth Dateabt 1369
Birth PlaceEdingage, Staffordshire, Enland
Death Dateabt 1456 Age: 87
Death PlaceGresley, Drakelow, Derbyshire, England
ChildrenSir John (~1386-~1449)
Last Modified 26 May 2021Created 27 May 2021 by Robert Avent