NameCLAYTON, Col. Samuel Sr.

Birth Dateabt 1739
Birth PlaceEssex County, Virginia
Death Dateabt 1799 Age: 60
Death PlaceCulpeper County, Virginia
Misc. Notes
[Source: Deed book Q, pp 429, 430, 431 of the Culpeper County Archives, Culpeper,VA.]
“This Deed of gift made this Twenty Sixth day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and ninety one Between Samuel Clayton Senr of the County of Culpeper of the one part and Robert Coleman Clayton, George Clayton, Nancy Clayton, and Thomas Clayton of the county aforesaid of the other part, witness soth that the said Samuel Clayton Senr for and in consideration of the natural love, good will and the affection which he hath and doth bear unto his sons Robert Coleman Clayton, George Clayton, Thomas Clayton and his daughter Nancy Clayton, and for the consideration of ten Shillings Current money to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath given granted and by these presents doth give and grant unto his son Robert Coleman Clayton two negroes, towit, Amey a negro girl and George a negro Boy,-- to George Clayton two negroes Ezakiel a negro Boy and Judah a negro girl, to Thomas Clayton two negroes Daniel a negro Boy and Mary a negro girl, to Nancy Clayton two negroes, Levina and Winny negro girls, to them, their heirs and assigns forever free from every Claim or Claims whatsoever, and the said Samuel Clayton Senr shall and will warrant and forever defend the said slaves --- Amey and George to the said Robert together with the future increase of the said Amey to him his Heirs forever, also Ezekiel and Judah to the said George together with the future increase of Judah to him his Heirs and assigns forever and Daniel and Mary to the said Thomas with the future increase of Mary to him his Heirs and assigns forever, and Levina and Winny to the said Nancy with the future increase of Levina and Winny to her, her Heirs and assigns forever, free from the claim or claims of him the said Samuel Clayton Senr his Heirs Executors, administrators or assigns and from the claim or claims of all and every person or persons Whatsoever, in Witness who of the said Samuel Clayton Senr hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and month and year before written.
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Samuel Clayton.
(SS) Philip Slaughter
At a Court held for Culpeper County the 20th day of February 1792. This Deed of gift from Samuel Clayton Senr to Robert Coleman Clayton, George Clayton, Nancy Clayton and Thomas Clayton was acknowledged by the said Samuel and ordered to be recorded.
Teste John Jameson C of Court”
Birth Dateaft 1740
Birth PlaceVirginia