The Latimers - Person Sheet
NameEDWARD-I, King Longshanks

Birth Date17 Jun 1239
Birth PlaceWestminister, London, England
OccupationKing of England, 1272-1307
Death Date8 Jul 1307 Age: 68
Death PlaceCumberland, England
Misc. Notes
Edward I, also known as Edward Longshanks and the Hammer of the Scots (Latin: Malleus Scotorum), was King of England from 1272 to 1307.
He spent much of his reign reforming royal administration and common law. Through an extensive legal inquiry, Edward investigated the tenure of various feudal liberties, while the law was reformed through a series of statutes regulating criminal and property law. Increasingly, however, Edward's attention was drawn towards military affairs.
Birth Dateabt 1244
Birth PlaceKingdom of Castile, Spain
OccupationQueen of England
Death Date24 Nov 1290 Age: 46
Death PlaceHerdeby, Lincolnshire, England
Misc. Notes
Eleanor of Castile was an English queen, the first wife of Edward I, whom she married as part of a political deal to affirm English sovereignty over Gascony.
Marr Date18 Oct 1254
Marr PlaceBurgos, Castile, Spain