NameCAPET, King Hugues

Birth Date941
Birth PlaceParis, Île-de-France, France
OccupationKing of France, 987-996
Death Date24 Oct 996 Age: 55
Death PlaceParis, Île-de-France, France
Misc. Notes
Hugh Capet, king of France (987–96), was the first of the Capetians . He was the son of Hugh the Great, to whose vast territories he succeeded in 956. After the death of Louis V, last Carolingian king of France, the nobles and prelates elected him king, setting aside the last Carolingian claimant, Charles I of Lower Lorraine. In order to secure the succession, Hugh took as his associate his son Robert (later King Robert II); he gave away much of his land to secure the dynasty. He spent much of his reign fighting Charles and later became involved in a controversy with the papacy—unsettled at his death—over deposition of the Carolingian archbishop of Reims.
Birth Dateca 950
OccupationQueen of France
Death Date1004 Age: 54
Misc. Notes
Adbelahide or Adele or Adelaide of Aquitaine (or Adelaide of Poitiers) was the daughter of William III, Duke of Aquitaine and Adele of Normandy, daughter of Rollo of Normandy.
Her father used her as security for a truce with Hugh Capet, whom she married in 969.
In 987, after the death of Louis V, the last Carolingian king of France, Hugh was elected the new king with Adelaide as queen. They were proclaimed at Senlis and blessed at Noyon. They were the founders of the Capetian dynasty of France.