The Latimers - Person Sheet
NameARNOLD, Anthony Sr.

Birth Date1 Apr 1627
Birth PlaceWestbury on Severn, Gloucestershire, England
OccupationPlanter and Merchant
Death Date15 Mar 1676 Age: 48
Death PlaceWest Point, New Kent County, Virginia
FlagsHistorical, Interesting
Misc. Notes
Anthony Arnold was executed by hanging for his part in
Bacon’s Rebellion.
1676/7, 29 Feb: ARNOLD was caught in open rebellion, one of the last or the last leaders to be taken.
1676/7, 9 Mar: The "Tryall of Life and Death" of Anthony ARNOLD was held at Green Spring, the ruined home of Gov. BERKELEY. When Arnold was brought into court, "he boldly defended the right of the people to resist oppression." "It is well known that I have no kindess for Kings," he said. "They have no rights but what they gott by Conquest and by the Sword, and he that could by force of the Sword deprive them thereof, had as good and just a title to it as the King himselfe... If the King should deny to do right (I) would make noe more to sheathe (my) sword in his heart or Bowells than of (my) own Mortall Enemyes." For these and other treasonable words, this "horrible resolved Rebell and Traytor" was condemned to be "hanged in chaines in his own country, to be a more remarkable example than the rest." The Court was sorry that the country was not capable of executing the sentence for traitors as in England, which was to hang the victim for several minutes, cut him down while still alive, rip him open, cut off his head, then quarter him. 1676/7, 3 Mar: It is stated that he was convicted for "divers rebellious treasons and other misdemeanors and was sentenced to be hanged to death on the 15th instant." Commissioners Sir John BERRY and Col. William MORYSON reported to Sir Joseph WILLIAMSON that "they had advised the hanging in chains in his own country of one ARNOLD, a horrible resolved rebel and traitor."
1676/7, 15 Mar: Was led back to New Kent Co., and hung at what is now the corner of 2nd and Main Sts., West Point, now in King William Co.
Birth Dateabt 1628
Birth PlaceVirginia
Death Dateabt 1677 Age: 49