The Latimers - Person Sheet
NameABERNATHY, Mary Elizabeth

Birth Date14 Apr 1823
Birth PlaceVirginia
Death Date8 Nov 1884 Age: 61
FlagsHughes Line
Birth Date20 Jul 1820
Birth PlaceVirginia
Death Date23 Jun 1891 Age: 70
FlagsHughes Line, Interesting
Misc. Notes
David T. and Mary E. Reynolds both deserve much credit for starting Vanderbilt University.
Mary E. was a good friend of Mrs. McTyre, a kinswoman of the Vanderbilts and wife of "the" Bishop McTyre. David T. was a very active Methodist and served on the 1st Board of Trust for many years until his death.
ChildrenSusan (~1842-1916)