The Latimers - Person Sheet
NameWEINMAN, William John

Birth Date5 Mar 1872
Birth PlaceLynchburg Virginia
Death Date16 Feb 1966 Age: 93
Death PlaceCartersville, Bartow County, Georgia
Misc. Notes
William J. Weinman’s father was in the mining business, and by his early twenties William had mastered the skills of mining and construction of hydroelectric dams.
In 1914, after a successful career mining barite in Kentucky, he created the Thompson Weinman Company. The following year he moved its operations to mine barite in Cartersville. In the 1930s Weinman and partners created a new company, Chemical Products, producing barium chemicals. The company was later sold to the Dellinger family who continue to operate it today.
William Weinman gave his money, time, and talent to several lasting projects in the community. The Cartersville High School stadium was a gift to the city in honor of his son, Andy. After William's death, a major mineral museum (
Weinman Mineral Museum), now the Tellus Science Museum, was constructed by the Weinman family in his honor. (Inducted in January, 2008).
Birth Date1884
Birth PlaceRussell County, Virginia
Death Date26 Aug 1971 Age: 87
Death PlaceCartersville, Bartow County, Georgia
Misc. Notes
The wife of William Weinman was said to be reluctant to move to the South from New York because of the violent social atmosphere, especially that of the lynch mentality.
Mr. Weinman, after considerable cajoling, was able to convince her that lynchings were rare and that she would find Cartersville to be a congenial place. During a visit, the couple registered at a hotel in the public square. Mrs. Weinman retired for the night and awoke the next morning to the sight of the dangling corpse of
Jesse McCorkle. ...".
Marr Date18 Dec 1903
Marr PlaceRussell County, Virginia