Robert Avent
The Faintest Ink is more Powerful that the Strongest Memory-

In the past, before the internet, gathering genealogy information was only accomplished by reading entries in the family Bibles or listening to family stories or by traveling to libraries, court houses, cemeteries or by finding individuals who have had books printed about their or other families’ histories. This created a sparse, though well documented, source for others who wished to find their families’ history. But this process was slow, expensive, difficult and extremely time consuming to the researcher. Mostly, these sources have become buried on dusty shelves in remote locations that meant they would eventually be lost to time and memories.

With the internet we now have extremely easy access to a plethora of data, so much so that we are overwhelmed with facts, sometimes not complimentary, that are scattered over many web sites. Accuracy of information is often sacrificed to accommodate ease of access. Data that was once sparse and difficult to find is now easy to find but extremely disseminated over many web sites and that creates a new set of problems. Who has the time to search all of these sources and consolidate the various information into one source that others can easily locate?

This web site is a consolidation of information from many sources on the internet such as; Ancestry®, Find a Grave, Google, Family Search (LDS), My Heritage, Cyndi’s List, World Connect by Roots Web, Wikipedia, Gen Forum, Census Records, Newspapers, Family Newsletters, and a few genealogy books. As such, with very few exceptions, the information contained herein is that of other individuals who have taken the time and effort to conduct their research and collection of data and images.

A final step a family historian needs to take, to insure one’s efforts are not lost, is to provide to all who are interested a digitally formatted (PDF, MSWD, Text etc.) document that can and should be printed by recipients to pass down to their progeny. Years or decades of work can be wiped out by an EMP, by a malicious hacker or by a corrupted hard drive.

Robert w. avent@facebook
4631 Whitechapel Lane
Belden, MS 38826-9780