NameSCHOOLFIELD, Isaac Bozman

Birth Dateabt 1775
Birth PlacePocomoke Hundred, Somerset County, Maryland
Death Dateabt Jun 1847 Age: 72
Death PlaceFoster, Bracken County, Kentucky
FlagsMilitary, War of 1812
Misc. Notes
Isaac B. Schoolfield owned several merchant ships in Chesapeake Bay that he lost—worth $250,000—by the invasion of the British army in the War of 1812.
Isaac served as a private with the Somerset militia during the War of 1812.
Being discouraged he moved to Kentucky around 1816.
Birth Date20 Dec 1782
Birth PlaceWorcester County, Maryland
Death Dateabt May 1855 Age: 72
Death PlaceBracken County, Kentucky
Marr Date9 Feb 1802
Marr PlaceWorcester County, Maryland