NameJOHNSON, James M.

Birth Dateabt 1766
Birth PlacePennsylvania
Death Dateabt 1826 Age: 60
Death PlaceShelby County, Kentucky
Misc. Notes
There are two James Johnsons who received Revolutionary War pensions in Shelby County, both privates in the Virginia Line. The first received $96 on Jan. 6, 1819 at age 80 and the second received $96 on Oct. 18, 1821 at age 77.
BIOGRAPHY: From Barbara Carter: Early settler of Shelby County, Kentucky.
Birth Date1760
Birth PlaceCork, County Cork, Ireland
Death Date1850 Age: 90
Death PlaceKentucky
Misc. Notes
Brought to Pennsylvania at three years old. Lived with son David after husband's death in 1826, then with daughter Jane Wise after David moved to Indiana.