NameSCHOOLFIELD, Dr. Charles Bingley M. D.

Birth Date6 Mar 1846
Birth PlaceFoster, Bracken County, Kentucky
Death Date7 Dec 1905 Age: 59
Death PlaceCharleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia
Misc. Notes
DR C B SCHOOLFIELD, one of the most progressive physicians in Campbell County and one of the best known citizens of Dayton, was born near Foster, Kentucky, March 6, 1846; son of George T and Mary (Maxwell) Schoolfield. His father was born in Maryland, December 31, 1799, and at the age of fourteen years, emigrated with his father to Kentucky and settled on a farm in Bracken County near Augusta.
He remained on the farm a few years, when he engaged in flatboating between Augusta and New Orleans. In 1838 he retired from the river and again engaged in farming in Bracken County, and there remained until 1873, when he removed to Dayton, Kentucky, and after one year's residence there removed to Missouri, where he died.
He was for many years an extensive trader in live stock and general produce, which he shipped to New Orleans. In politics he was a Whig, prior to the Douglas campaign, when he became a Democrat. he was a son of Isaac Bosman Schoolfield (grandfather) who was also born in Maryland, emigrated to Kentucky in 1814 and settled on a farm in Bracken County. His wife was Mary Atkinson (grandmother), who also was a native of Maryland.
The Schoolfield family in America is traced to the widow Schoolfield, who brought her three sons to Baltimore, Maryland in 1632 from England. One of these brothers settled in Virginia, one in Maryland, and the other son pushed on further west. They brought with them their coat of arms, which is still in the family.
George T Schoolfield (father) married Mary Maxwell in 1840. She was born in Bracken County, February 24, 1819; was well educated in the private schools of her native county and is a most estimable lady, residing at present in Dayton. Her father was William Maxwell, a native of Pennsylvania, who later in life came to Kentucky and located on a farm in Bracken County where he died in 1860. His wife was Rachel Adams.
Dr. C B Schoolfield received an academical education at Foster and Falmouth and subsequently studied medicine, entered the Medical College of Ohio at Cincinnati and received his diploma from that institution in 1873. he located at once in his present home in Dayton, where he soon succeeded in building up a lucrative practice and in making enviable reputation in his profession.
He is a member of the Cincinnati Society of Medicine; Cincinnati Obstetrical Society; of the Kentucky State Medical Society; of the Ohio State Medical Association and American Medical Associations. Dr. Schoolfield is a practitioner of Gynecology in the Good Samaritan Hospital and is one of the trustees of the Speers Memorial Hospital, which is nearing completion in Dayton. The fund for this hospital which was left by Mrs. Elisabeth Speers of Dayton, amounts at present to nearly $100,000. Upon completion of this hospital Dr. Schoolfield will be gynecologist and surgeon.
Dr. Schoolfield is a member of the Baptist Church, a member of the Masonic order and votes the Democratic ticket.
He was married to Florence Holms, daughter of George B and Mary Holms of Newport, August 18, 1868. Her death occurred May 27, 1889. Dr. Schoolfield was again married May 5, 1892 to Mrs. Ida Lee Arthur, a daughter of J M McArthur. She died March 17, 1894. there are three children by his first marriage: Dr. George Clarence, who graduated from the Cincinnati Medical School and is now practicing his profession in Charleston, West Virginia; Edna pearl and Edward Raymond. By the second marriage, he has no children.
Birth Date22 Nov 1849
Birth PlaceCovington, Kenton County, Kentucky
Death Date27 May 1889 Age: 39
Death PlaceDayton, Campbell County, Kentucky